Matisse Artist Widget

Henri Matisse was a twentieth century French artist. His characteristic style included flat, brilliant colors and fluid lines. Later in his career, Matisse concentrated on a technique called papiers découpés (paper cutouts). Try making your own painting with Matisee-like paper cutouts:

  • Choose cutouts and drag to the canvas
  • See what changes you can make by clicking on the buttons below the canvas.
  • Print your design.
  • Have fun!

Try Action Painting Like Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) developed a unique style of abstract expressionism. He would drip paint on his canvas in order to create his paintings. His paintings used a technique called "action painting." You can create an abstract painting by clicking on the canvas above. Move your mouse to create your own action painting. Click your mouse to change colors.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Creative Kids Need Art

The “Other IQ” can help ensure school success

Just two short years ago a new buzz started around the concept of the “Other IQ,” which stands for Imagination Quotient, as opposed to the familiar Intelligence Quotient. Results from a study conducted by Dr. Robert Sternberg of then Yale University revealed creativity was a very important factor in a student’s success in school and life. According to Dr. Sternberg, anyone can be creative, commenting, “It’s never too late to start developing a child’s creativity or even your own. Creativity is like exercise. If you make it a habit and regularly engage in creative activities that build the Other IQ, you’ll develop your creative muscles.”

How can the visual arts help children develop creativity?

Imagine children creating on canvas with bamboo brushes or working with fine sculpting material or designing a mosaic and learning the art of embossing. Exposure to a variety of art forms helps to challenge children to use their right brains as they problem-solve and apply diverse techniques. Art education can help children develop their imaginations; especially art classes that focus on Process Art (read more at In no other venue can children actively express, explore, create, innovate and challenge without fear of rejection or negative judgment. Building creativity is so very important starting with toddlers and continuing throughout children’s lives. By the time children reach school age, the focus in education increasingly moves toward testing and conformity, which means that children get less opportunity to be creative. Today’s youth need to develop both intelligence and imagination– a strong pairing of competencies to serve them through life.

What’s your child’s imagination quotient?

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